Fun facts about me, or should I say you?

2 min readMay 15, 2024


I’ve always loved the stars, but when I look at you, it’s like the stars don’t even bother to shine anymore. Why? Well, it seems like you outshine them just like you outshine the sun.

Fun fact about me, I’ve loved the sky my entire life. But when I see you alongside the sky, the sky doesn’t seem appealing to me anymore.

You know, people always say that the best shade of blue is sky blue, but I guess I’m colorblind now because the only blue that exists is the one behind your eyelids.

There are so many dimensions, colors, and shades in it. Honestly, I don’t know how I’m supposed to label it, but it’s safe to say that your eye color is my favorite.

One last fun fact about me is that for as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved the ocean. It scared me at first, but the sounds it makes, the movement of the waves, and the deep blue water that slightly turns into orange every time the sun decides to call it a day.

They give me peace. At least, they used to. Because when I look at you, the word 'war' somehow disappears from my vocabulary. It’s like it never existed in the first place.

That’s how much peace you bring into my life. You are the peace of my life. You are my fun facts.

