If you don’t take the proper time to heal, you’ll end up bleeding on people who never cut you.

2 min readJun 5, 2024


Source: https://pin.it/3VMCYi6UH

You know how sometimes we get hurt, whether it’s physically or emotionally, and we just try to push through without really taking the time to heal?

It’s like we’re trying to be tough and show that we can handle anything. But here’s the thing:

if we don’t take that proper time to heal, we end up carrying those wounds with us.

Imagine you have a cut, and instead of letting it heal, you keep ignoring it. Eventually, it starts to bleed again, and it ends up affecting people around you who had nothing to do with it.

They don’t know we are hurting until we start bleeding. Can you imagine how hard and overwhelming that is for them? Especially when they don’t know where it hurts, and they accidentally hurt us even more. Then we blame them, saying and probably thinking that they hurt us. When in fact, they were just trying to help.

It’s the same with our emotional wounds. If we don’t deal with them, we might start to unintentionally hurt others who never caused us any pain in the first place.

Taking time to heal isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s actually a sign of strength. It shows that you respect yourself enough to give yourself the care you need. And by doing that, you’re also protecting the people around you from getting caught up in your issues.

So, next time you're feeling hurt, whether it's from a breakup, a loss, or any kind of emotional pain, give yourself permission to heal. Talk to someone you trust, take some time for self-care, and don't rush the process. It's okay to take a step back and focus on getting better.

Remember, by taking care of yourself, you're not just healing for your own sake, but also making sure you don't end up bleeding on those who never cut you.

