Just because you love me, doesn’t mean I feel loved.

3 min readMay 18, 2024
Source: https://pin.it/7oWeMajU7

Sometimes, love can be a little bit tricky. There are a lot of times when people confront me about how I never give them any feedback, because they feel like they’ve been giving me their best affection, and still, I don’t give them anything in return.

To be completely honest with you, I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you give someone your all, and they don’t seem to appreciate it. I mean, if they do appreciate it, they would give something in return, right?

But the problem is, in my case, I never really feel their affection, or should I say, "love."

Let me break it down for you, first off, feeling loved goes beyond just hearing the words "I love you" or getting a bunch of roses. It’s about understanding what makes someone tick, what makes them feel special.

So even if someone’s saying all the right things, if they’re not tuning into what really matters to you, it can leave you feeling kinda empty. Which is what happens to me most of the time.

And then, there is this whole “love language” thing. Some people would feel really loved when they’re getting cuddles, while others just want to hear some sweet words and affirmation, or have someone do the dishes for them.

Let me put it this way, if someone is speaking a different love language than you, it’s like they’re saying "I love you" in French, but you only understand Spanish. It’s exactly what Taylor Swift says, lost in translation, right?

Now, the whole "love language" concept itself is already complicated as it is. But, bear with me because there’s still one more thing that will make this even more complicated.

A baggage. But not just any baggage – it’s a baggage of your past. We’ve all got a bit of it from past relationships. Maybe you’ve been burned before, and it’s left you with some issues. So even if someone is pouring on the affection, those old scars can still make it hard for you to feel truly loved.

And for someone to be able to make you feel loved, they have to understand your story. That’s one reason why I don’t believe in "love at first sight." Let’s just be real here, what they call "love at first sight" is just an attraction that they feel towards someone’s appearance.

Okay, back to the point. Like I said before, "love is about understanding what makes someone tick." You can’t love someone if you don’t know their story.

You want to make it work? You have to communicate. You know what people say, "communication is the key." That means if you’re not feeling the love, you gotta speak up.

Let them know what makes you feel special, what makes your heart skip a beat. And it works both ways. Because maybe, you’re not the only one who doesn’t feel the love.

But you have to acknowledge and understand that they’ve tried their best to express their love to you. And for you to initiate communication is a form of showing your love, because then you’re showing them that you really care for this relationship to work.

So yeah, just because someone loves you doesn’t automatically mean you feel loved. It’s a two-way street, a dance where both partners gotta be in sync. But when you find that rhythm together, there’s nothing quite like it.

